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The Challenge Lab

The average American has only $38,000 saved for retirement. Why? Some of our biggest financial challenges are caused by the way our brains are wired. In partnership with professors from leading universities, we created The Challenge Lab - an online hub designed to help people understand their behavioral challenges and learn to overcome them. Organized around five key behavioral challenges, we broke down the science piece by piece. 

Header welcoming to Prudential's highly awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5

We created new financial tools

We dispensed with the traditional retirement calculators and created a set of unique interactive tools and games to highlight our behavioural challenges. For instance, “The Game of Odds” proved we innately believe that bad things “won’t happen to me” - a bias that means we rarely protect ourselves financially against the pitfalls of life.

Interactive tools from Prudential's Webby awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5
Organizing pillars for Prudential's Webby awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5

Conducted Social Experiments

We partnered with professors from leading universities to create social experiments rooted in our key behavioral insights. And we asked renowned neuroscientist, Tali Sharot, to host a talk on Optimism Bias - our biological tendency to think optimistically. Of course, that too was an experiment. She spoke at length about how our Optimism Bias leads us to ignore the risks right in front of us, then paused for intermission and we secretly watched as the audience gambled their money on a blatantly faulty vending machine.

The Brain is to Blame series from Prudential's Effie awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5
Behavioural experiments from Prudential's Effie awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5
PR for Prudential's award winning Challenge Lab by droga5

GAVE Existing studies new life

Existing studies were brought to life in captivating videos and whitepapers, including a recent study that suggests we view our future selves as strangers, and therefore don’t do much to care for them. So we decided it was high time to introduce ourselves, to our future selves. 

Existing studies and whitepapers from Prudential's Effie awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5
Existing studies and whitepapers from Prudential's Effie awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5

challenged the definition of retiremenT

“Chapter Two” is a content series about retirees who see retirement not as an ending, but as a beginning. To prove it, the retirees didn’t just star in the campaign, they created it. Carol Lewis, a retired postal worker, fulfilled her dream of becoming a director. Jennifer McKinley, provided the soundtrack, realizing her life-long hope of becoming a symphony musician. Retired bank examiner, Mike Tiscia, hand-painted our NYC billboards. And retired magazine executive, Maj Kalfus, filled our New Yorker partnership by getting back to her first love, illustration.

Scene of Maj Kalfus from Prudential's Cannes Lion award winning "Chapter Two" campaign by droga5
Inside spread of Maj Kalfus illustration work from Prudential's Cannes Lion award winning "Chapter Two" campaign by droga5

And held a FUN RuN for a good cause : you.

Finally, we raised awareness for the retirement crisis like you might for any cause: with a run - only this time, the cause you ran for was you. And the entry fee? A commitment to donate just one percent more of your income to your retirement.

Race For Retirement charity run from Prudential's D&AD awarded "Challenge Lab" by droga5
Prudential Race for Retirement runners raised their 401k contributions by 1%
Results for Prudential's D&AD awarded Race for Retirement by droga5. Part of the highly awarded Challenge Lab
Map my run tool at Prudential's D&AD awarded Race for Retirement by droga5. Part of the highly awarded Challenge Lab
"Support a very important cause: you". A headline for Prudential's D&AD awarded Race for Retirement by droga5.
Starting banner at Prudential's D&AD awarded Race for Retirement by droga5. Part of the highly awarded Challenge Lab
Map my retirement tool at Prudential's D&AD awarded Race for Retirement by droga5. Part of the highly awarded Challenge Lab

Over the course of 4 years, our experiments, videos, whitepapers, and tools increased brand perception by 25%, consideration by 72%, and made Prudential a true industry thought leader.

Awards and PR for Prudential's Challenge Lab by droga5